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Комментарии (2)

Blood displaced by formaldehyde
Bloating the emaciated corpse to a near vital shape
Almost lifelike color is restored

Conclusion to the service
Human doll is now lowered into the soil

Contaminated, eggs hatch in orifices
Within, sweet fumes linger

Embalmment will start to lapse
Eventually rendering tissue defenseless

Vital, activity
Shows in the necrotic body

Fluid's effects fail
Maggots find their way
Domain of decay
Slowly eaten away

Fluid's effects fail
Maggots find their way
Domain of decay
Slowly eaten away

Chemical expulsion
Part human sludge is purged
Body shrinks as maggots finish their meal

"Dead, stiff and cold, in your box, to decay"
2. Into the Soil 04:07
Open casket, a ritual of death
In the name of human vanity
One last gaze upon the deceased
A desperate clinging to the mortal vessel

Morbid reality kept away from civilized society
An induced image of peaceful rest displayed to the mourners

Postmortal cosmetics
Enhancing the body's presentation
Scars concealed, eyes sewn shut
Tampering with nails and hair of the dead
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